Proposed New Fees for 2015

Kindly review the Proposed New Fees for 2015.

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Sanctions Actions Targeting Syrian Official Responsible for Human Rights Abuses

The United States is committed to increasing pressure on and isolating the Asad regime and its supporters until it finally recognizes that the best resolution to this conflict is a negotiated political solution that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people. 

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November 2014 Newsletter – Assessing Risk in Business Relationships

Regulated entities should assess the risk of doing business both prior to and throughout the duration of every business relationship. Assessing risk should not be a ‘one-size fit all’ operation but each regulated entity should incorporate most of the following factors when assessing risk to their company.

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OFAC guidance -Sanctions against Iran posted: November 26, 2014

On November 24, 2013, the United States and its partners in the P5 + 1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, coordinated by the European Union’s High Representative) reached an initial understanding with Iran, outlined in a Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), that halts progress on Iran’s nuclear program and rolls it back in key respects. In return for Iran’s commitment to place meaningful limits on its nuclear program, the P5+1 committed to provide Iran with limited, targeted, and reversible sanctions relief

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Policy note re: APOSTILLES documents for filing

Kindly note that effective January 01, 2015, the following policy will be applicable to all concerned re: APOSTILLES documents for filing.

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