Nevis Island Administration prepares financial services industry providers for FATCA Implementation

A two-day workshop for representatives of financial institutions and other key stake holders, hosted by the Nevis Financial Services Regulatory and Supervision Department in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and a National FATCA Committee, will help service providers navigate the ins and outs of the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting and serve them well moving forward.

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Appointment of New Regulator of International Banking

Please be advised that effective Wednesday the 1st day of July, 2015, Mr. James Simpson was duly appointed Regulator of International Banking by the Minister of Finance, Nevis Island Administration pursuant to section 30 of the Nevis International Banking Ordinance, 2014.

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June 2015 Newsletter – Verification Methods

Commonly referred to as Guidance Notes, the Financial Services (Implementation of Industry Standards) Regulations, 2011 were issued in accordance with Section 52 of the Financial Services Regulatory Commission Act, Cap 21.10. The Guidance Notes represent what is considered to be best industry practice and set out what is reasonably to be expected of regulated entities.

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Statistical Bulletin – 1st and 2nd Quarter 2015

The graphs below provide important statistics on the monthly incorporation and registration activities of the Financial Services Registry.

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May 2015 Newsletter – Customer Identification Program

Identification Procedures in Relation to Business Relationships and One-Off Transactions Pursuant to Regulation 4 of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2011

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