March 2016 Newsletter – Recap of 2016 AML/CFT Workshop

Under the theme “Powerful Insights, Practical Ideas, Real Solutions:
Financial Crime Prevention – the Way Forward” the Nevis Financial Services (Regulation and Supervision) Department (“FSRC—Nevis Branch”) held its annual AML/CFT Awareness Seminar and Training Workshop on Monday March 21 and Tuesday March 22, 2016 at the Four Seasons Resort, Nevis.

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February 2016 Newsletter – New Standard of Supervision

The Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors (“GIFCS”) first issued a Best Practice Statement on the supervision of Trust and Corporate Service Providers (“TCSPs”) in 2002. Since then GIFCS member countries have used this Statement as a benchmark for establishing regulatory frameworks and supervisory practices for the robust oversight of the sector. A key objective of this initiative has been to ensure that TCSPs are adequately regulated and supervised and that information on the ultimate beneficial owners behind trust and company vehicles administered from GIFCS centres, as well as on the sources and nature of underlying funds can at all times be accessed by competent authorities.

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January 2016 Newsletter – Automatic Exchange of Information

Developed countries around the world have been engaging in automatic exchange of information (“AEOI”) for many years to tackle tax evasion. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) has been active in facilitating AEOI by creating the legal framework, developing technical standards, providing guidance and training.

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December 2015 Newsletter – The Year In review

The Financial Services Regulatory Commission approved the Minimum Guidelines for the Role and Appointment of Compliance/Reporting Officers pursuant to the Financial Services Regulatory Commission Act, and other relevant legislation. These Guidelines will take effect as of January 01, 2016.

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November 2015 Newsletter – Politically Exposed Persons & Enhanced Due Diligence

The Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2011 (“AMLR”) define a politically exposed person (“PEP”) as a person who is an individual who is a prominent public person or a person who has been entrusted with a prominent public function in a territory outside St. Christopher and Nevis

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