September 2016 Newsletter – Financial Information Month 2016

Financial Information Month is a regional financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial education campaign executed in the Eastern ean Currency Union (ECCU) since 2002 through the collaborative efforts of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, ECCU member governments, financial and academic institutions,
the media, other private and public sector institutions and
community based This year marks the 15th year of

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August 2016 Newsletter – Continuation of the FATF Recommendations and Guidance for the Money Services Business (MSB) Sector

In this issue, the most relevant FATF Recommendations are highlighted below together with a brief summary of the legal, regulatory or administrative measures that are in place to comply with each recommendation.

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July 2016 Newsletter – AML/CFT Guidelines for the Management of Risks Related to Money Services Businesses

In recent years tougher regulatory scrutiny over the implementation of AML/CFT laws has seriously impacted money services businesses (MSBs) globally, threatening their relationship with the conventional banking sector.

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June 2016 Newsletter – Licensing & Ongoing Supervisory Framework for Insurance Companies

The AML/CFT measures in the financial sector are issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The International Association of Insurance Supervisors as with other international policy shapers for the respective various sectors support such recommendations.

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April 2016 Newsletter – AML/CFT Guidelines for Banks

The inadequacy or absence of sound money laundering and financing of terrorism (ML/FT) risk management exposes banks to serious risks. Sound ML/FT risk management has particular relevance to the overall safety and soundness of banks and the entire banking system.

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