May 2015 Newsletter – Customer Identification Program

Identification Procedures in Relation to Business Relationships and One-Off Transactions Pursuant to Regulation 4 of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, 2011

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April 2015 Newsletter – Minimum Guidelines for the role & appointment of compliance & reporting officers

Each regulated entity is required to appoint a fit and proper individual approved by the Financial Services Regulatory Commission as its Compliance Officer (“CO”).

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March 2015 Newsletter – Recap of 2015 Seminar

On March 3 and 4, 2015, the Nevis Financial Services Department held its annual Seminar and Training Workshop at the Four Seasons Resort, Nevis under the theme, “De-risking your Institution by Improving the Culture of Compliance.”

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February 2015 Newsletter – 2015 AML/CFT Seminar & Training Workshop

The Nevis Financial Services Department will be hosting its annual AML/CFT Seminar and Training Workshop on March 3rd and 4th at the prestigious Four Seasons Resort, Nevis. This training is in alignment with the Department’s commitment to ensure that employees of regulated entities receive the necessary training in accordance with paragraphs 131 — 134 of the Financial Services (Implementation of Industry Standards) Regulations, 2011.

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January 2015 Newsletter – Reporting Regulations for Regulated Entities

Regulated Entities are granted licences based on the information and circumstances presented at the time of application. Appropriate checks and verification, including ‘fit and proper’ assessments are undertaken and based on the results, licences are either granted or denied.

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