Statistical Bulletin – 1st and 2nd Quarter 2016

The graphs below provide important statistics on the monthly incorporation and registration activities of the Financial Services Registry.

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April 2016 Newsletter – AML/CFT Guidelines for Banks

The inadequacy or absence of sound money laundering and financing of terrorism (ML/FT) risk management exposes banks to serious risks. Sound ML/FT risk management has particular relevance to the overall safety and soundness of banks and the entire banking system.

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March 2016 Newsletter – Recap of 2016 AML/CFT Workshop

Under the theme “Powerful Insights, Practical Ideas, Real Solutions:
Financial Crime Prevention – the Way Forward” the Nevis Financial Services (Regulation and Supervision) Department (“FSRC—Nevis Branch”) held its annual AML/CFT Awareness Seminar and Training Workshop on Monday March 21 and…

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2016 Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Awareness Seminar and Training Workshop

The Nevis Financial Services (Regulation and Supervision) Department (NFSD) held its annual Anti-Money-Laundering/ Countering Financing of Terrorism (AML/ CFT) Awareness Seminar and Training Workshop on 21st and 22nd March 2016 at the Four Seasons Resort, Nevis.

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Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory expressed hope that participants at the 11th annual Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Seminar and Training Workshop, would come up with practical solutions on what else small developing countries could do to find their feet in the international arena, provide jobs for their people and revenue for development.

Nevis Premier addresses participants at AML/CFT Seminar and Training Workshop

Premier of Nevis and Minister of Finance Hon. Vance Amory expressed hope that participants at the 11th annual Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Seminar and Training Workshop, would come up with practical solutions on what else small developing countries could do to find…

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February 2016 Newsletter – New Standard of Supervision

The Group of International Finance Centre Supervisors (“GIFCS”) first issued a Best Practice Statement on the supervision of Trust and Corporate Service Providers (“TCSPs”) in 2002. Since then GIFCS member countries have used this Statement as a benchmark for establishing regulatory frameworks…

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FATF Public Statement – 19 February 2016

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global standard setting body for anti‐money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). In order to protect the international financial system from money laundering and financing of terrorism (ML/FT) risks and to encourage greater compliance…

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FATF Notice: Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: on-going process – February 2016

As part of its on-going review of compliance with the AML/CFT standards, the FATF has to date identified the following jurisdictions which have strategic AML/CFT deficiencies for which they have developed an action plan with the FATF. While the situations differ among each jurisdiction, each jurisdiction…

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SKY RE Facultative and Treaty Ltd

It has been brought to our attention that there are documents in circulation purporting SKY RE Facultative and Treaty Ltd providing reinsurance protection to a French entity, KUBE Insurance & Reinsurance SAS.

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Developed countries around the world have been engaging in automatic exchange of information (“AEOI”) for many years to tackle tax evasion. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) has been active in facilitating AEOI by creating the legal framework, developing technical standards, providing guidance and training.

January 2016 Newsletter – Automatic Exchange of Information

Developed countries around the world have been engaging in automatic exchange of information (“AEOI”) for many years to tackle tax evasion. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) has been active in facilitating AEOI by creating the legal framework, developing technical…

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CFATF Public Statement on Suriname

On November 25, 2015 the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) issued a Public Statement on Suriname, a jurisdiction that has strategic AML/CFT deficiencies. CFATF therefore called on t=its members and other jurisdictions to consider the risk arising from the deficiencies associated with Suriname,…

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WalwynLaw – Revocation Advisory

The Nevis Financial Services Regulation and Supervision Department hereby advises that the licenses of WalwynLaw to act as Registered Agent

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